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Summer lawn maintenance schedule

Mar 18, 2022 | 0 comments

Summer lawn maintenance schedule

Expert lawn service tips on caring for your yard based on the type of grass you have


Lawns can be an inexpensive and great way to add appeal to your residential property. However, they also require serious care especially during spring and summer in order to grow healthy and vibrant. Yet, not all types of grass require the same amount of care. Here are some expert tips on summer lawn care based on the type you have.


Cool-season varieties

Cool season varieties include bluegrass, ryegrass, Fine and Tall Fescue and bentgrass. In the summer these species require careful lawn mowing and watering as well as pest control. When mowing adjust your blade so that it cuts a small amount from the overall length of the plant. Also, avoid cutting during days when it is too hot and droughty. Avoid overwatering, add just enough to prevent drought issues.


Warm-season varieties

Warm season varieties include species such as Bermuda, Zoysia, St.Augustine and others. These types require an adjusted care schedule which includes fertilizing, lawn mowing and combating pests. Feed your yard fertilizer once every four to eight weeks. Avoid cutting when the grass has been watered by you or by rain. Also, cut no more than a 1/3 of the overall length of the blade. This will help promote the growth of strong and deep roots.


Knowing what type of grass you have in your yard helps to create a maintenance schedule which is tailored to its specific needs. For instance, certain species such as Fine Fescue require careful watering and mowing when the day is not hot and droughty. If you would like to learn about what schedule would be best for your yard, contact a professional lawn service company. An example of one such contractor is DG Landscaping LLC in Tacoma, WA.

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