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Landscape maintenance: common mistakes which can ruin your yard

Jun 10, 2022 | 0 comments

Landscape maintenance: common mistakes which can ruin your yard

How to avoid some of the frequent yard cleanup errors


Landscaped gardens are a great way to add beauty and elegance to a residential property. They offer the benefits of appeal while providing the person with a place for rest, relaxation, or for social gathering. However, there can be times when certain errors can result in a landscape which appears unkempt and chaotic. Here are some of the frequent yard cleanup mistakes and how they can ruin the appeal of your garden.


You scalp or mow too low during lawn maintenance

One of the common errors when performing a yard cleanup is to mow your lawn too low. This, in turn, makes the grass plot appear unkempt and unappealing as weakened grass gives way to unpleasant weeds. In addition, it can dry up and turn brown. To avoid such problems mow only a third of the grass blades’ height. This will achieve a healthy, strong lawn and curb the growth of weeds.


You leave fallen leaves and do not prune when needed

Another common yard cleanup mistake is to not prune your trees and shrubs when needed. This can result in the plants looking unkempt and haggard. Also, it opens the way to them not growing normally and developing diseases. In addition to pruning, you should also remove fallen leaves from the ground, especially when they are close to ponds. If you would like to use the healthy ones as compost place them in an area designed to create fertilizer.

A well planned and designed landscape can add great appeal to a residential property. However, making certain errors during a cleanup can ruin the achieved effect. Among the common mistakes are scalping the lawn during mowing. And not pruning trees and shrubs when needed to promote their health. If you would like to learn more about avoiding such errors, contact a professional residential landscaper. An example of one such contractor is DG Landscaping LLC in Tacoma, WA.

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